Ports, Past and Present
a series of publications for a project funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Cooperation programme.
An anthology of work commissioned for the Creative Connections strand of the Ports, Past and Present project was produced in May 2022 to accompany a touring exhibition, which travelled around the port towns of the Irish Sea in 2022–3. The book was co-edited and designed with Mary-Ann Constantine and Elizabeth Edwards, and I also provided some additional illustrations.

As we went into the final year of the project, four further books authored and illustrated by writers working on the project were published, all of which I designed or prepared for print with colleagues on the project and the writers themselves.

More spreads and links to the books on the Digital Repository of Ireland can be found on the Creative Connections pages of the Ports, Past and Present website.
I also wrote and designed two books on the stained glass in and around Fishguard and Holyhead as part of my contribution to the project.